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Get started with Square Foot Gardening.

The big picture.
Based on a square foot model for french intensive gardening, this allows you to choose from either square foot spacing or the regular spacing for each of the plants commonly grown in square foot gardens.
You divide your bed into sections of mostly one square foot each areas and then plant vegetables in just the amount of space they need. The main advantages of the square foot system are less watering (great for drought areas), easier weeding (no long rows to wander down and less light for weeds), and a greatly reduced overall workload.
New spacing grids.
New spacing grids have been created specifically to confirm to the Square Foot Garden requirements. Spacing is closer and structures like trellises, fences and wire tomato cages are now indicated.

Planting Options.
Choose between square foot and regular planting options on the Plants In This Garden page.

Rectangular planting areas.
In some cases, Square Foot Gardening calls out for some rectangular growing spaces with support structures for the plants to utilize as they grow up. You will see these called out with a double dotted line indicating a trellis, or climbing structure. In the Smart Garden Plan, you also have the option of rotating them ninety degrees.